Monday, February 2, 2009

make money idears series 6

6. Here's an idea for people who have absolutely no money, but who need to raise a bit of capital
quickly. In almost any area, there are places where you can go and find wildflowers. If you're not
sure, ask around. Picking these costs nothing, yet they make very attractive bouquets. By setting up a little table with wildflower bouquets in an area of heavy traffic, you should have no trouble in selling these for $5-10 each.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

make money idears series 5

5. We live in a celebrity culture. But we also live in a throw-away culture. A man in Florida is tak-
ing advantage of these two tendencies simultaneously. First, he created a list of all the "celebri-
ties" in his area. Then, he determined the garbage pick-up routes for those areas. Early in the
morning, before the garbage truck arrives, he scopes out the "celebrity trash" for anything interest-
ing. Occasionally he finds some amazing things... with real collectibility. Once he found a celeb-
rity's entire album collection in 4 paper bags on the curb! (Apparently the celebrity had re-
purchased everything on CD.) Because of the provenance of this collection, he was able to sell it
for thousands!

make money idears series 4

4. In some states, if you don't pay property tax, the county can sell your property at auction to pay
for the back taxes. So obviously there's some money to be made here. I've heard of nice 3-bed-
room homes selling for $1,500 or so, and then being resold quickly on the traditional real estate
market for $50,000. The amazing thing is, not many people are actually doing this, partly because
information about how to do it is scarce. All you really need to do is get on the mailing list at each
county clerk's office so that you will be notified whenever there's a tax sale. Then, you just show
up at the courthouse, or wherever the properties are being sold, and register for a bidding number.
Obviously, this requires a little bit of capital to get started, but not much, and if you reinvest your
profits, your income will increase exponentially.

make money idears series 3

3. When roads are built, the contractor brings in heavy equipment and cuts a wide swath through
whatever used to be there. Occasionally this means a stand of trees. I once had an employee who
used to follow these road builders and retrieve the valuable trees that road contractors would
knock down. Sometimes they would find huge oak trees and walnut trees that are easily worth
$1,000 each. By cutting them into 10 foot sections, they could load them onto a trailer and take
them to a saw mill, where they'd receive between $500 and $1,500 PER TREE! Nobody is doing
this, and in fact, these road contractors typically just burn this wood if nobody asks for it.

make money idears series 2

2. In todays' competitive college environment, most high schoolers want to get into the best
schools they can. And one of the surest ways of being accepted to these good schools is to do well
on your ACT and/or SAT college entrance examination. By doing some simple drills on the types
of questions that they'll be asked, and by understanding basic test-taking strategy, they can
improve their score by 20% or more. And the difference between getting a 25 on your ACT and a
30 on the ACT can be life-changing. If you were to offer a class on how to improve one's SAT/
ACT scores, EVERY school in your area would yield hundreds of potential customers. If you get
just 100 kids to take the class, and their parents fork over $150 for it, you'll be making $15,000 for
every class you teach! And you don't have to be a world-class expert to do this. Just buy and study
some of the latest test-taking strategy books and find the study drills that all the ACT/SAT "prep"
books have in common. Plus, look into generic test-taking strategy guides that teach you "exam
psychology". If you spend a couple of months researching this, there's no reason why you couldn't
develop a very worthwhile... and very profitable... course.

make money idears series 1

1. The first idea I want to share with you, and literally the first thing you should do, is create a
website (if you don't already have one) and put an affiliate link to Anytime someone visits your site and clicks that link, they will come to our main
"1,000 Ways to Make Money" site. If they order this book, you will earn a 50% commission on
every sale generated in that way. We convert about 1 out of every 25 visitors into customers, so it's
a pretty easy way of making money. For complete details on how this works, please visit our affil-
iate page at

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Annuities: The Shocking Secrets Revealed

Annuities are great investments, safe, secure, tax-advantaged -- unfortunately annuities are often used as a wonder product by many agents!
The fact remains that they can be terrific products if used in the correct scenario, but in the wrong situation they can be a disaster. Many agents are driven by personal gain and their recommendation can be biased when, in fact, other financial products do, at times, make far greater sense, such as bank CDs or US Treasuries.
This non-biased, objective and FREE information is designed to show you exactly how annuities work and how to judge for yourself the benefits and the pitfalls.
ANNUITIES are not right for everyone. Don't let ANYONE tell you differently. Be Informed!
DO NOT INVEST IN AN ANNUITY UNTIL YOU'VE Read This Free Booklet! If You Already Own An Annuity This Booklet Will Help You Discover The Best Ways To Extract the Benefits of Your Contract.