Saturday, October 11, 2008

2 Creative Ways to Increasing Your Sales Now!

Affiliate marketing is the real deal on the online jobs right now. However, not all of the people doing this kind of job get lucky enough to make their first paycheck arrive at home. My article will give you ideas, how to increase your sales using creative idea that really works.
First, you must use pop ups to grab visitor attention. Pop up is important because it can draw the eyes of your website visitor easily. Use your creative mind to make your pop up look as "catchy" and "professional" as possible.
In my experience, the best pop up is the "exit pop up", exit pop up is a pop up that will comes whenever your website visitor bored and want to close your website immediately. The idea behind exit pop up is like this, your visitor get bored, and when they push the exit button, suddenly, you come with a refreshing solution! You can use exit pop up to offer discount for your product or special offer when they purchase your product now.
Second, you must give some kind of value added service to your website visitor. Instead of force them to purchase your product now, you can give some valuable product first, like your viral e book branded with your affiliate link or free online courses. This will make your website visitor thinks that you cares to them, thus it will increasing their trust to you.
While you are gaining their trust from the bottom level of their heart, they can easily become your laser targeted audience because you already have a place in their mind.
Use both creative techniques wisely and you can expect your first affiliate paycheck to come to your house this weekend.
Copyright (c) Jordan Jones - find out the secret tactics to make $20,169.54 in one single day - visit

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